Doug Creamer

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Encouraging Thoughts

Encouraging Faith

Encouraging YOU!

Welcome to Doug Creamer’s

Education Webpage

My mission is to encourage, educate, and inspire through

teaching, writing, and speaking.

I have been teaching for over 26 years. I currently hang my hat at East Davidson High School. I find the web to be a wonderful tool to use in the classroom. East Davidson offers a teacher website for me to place handouts and class assignments for my students. You can connect to them by clicking on the appropriate link: class, coop, and internship. There are also some additional links that can connect you to other resources that I hope will help you.


For parents who want to help their children succeed, I hope this will help you retrieve missing assignments on those progress reports. For parents who wish to contact me you can:


Call me at (336) 476-4815

(Please leave a message with a phone number where I can reach you during the school day.)


Email me. I try to check my email everyday around lunch time.


My address is:

1408 Lake Road

Thomasville, NC 27360

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