Doug Creamer

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Encouraging Thoughts

Encouraging Faith

Encouraging YOU!

ConnectionsCool Discoveries

Google - Free word processor, document storage, web creation, videos, calendars, planners, gadgets, and more…

ZOHO - Free Office package online. Many of the same things that Google offers…

OPEN OFFICE - If you don’t have Microsoft Office, this could be a great discovery. This FREE office package interacts seamlessly with Microsoft Office.

Wordle - Makes beautiful word clouds. It’s fun and a really cool site.

Joopz - Don’t have text capability on your phone, then check out this site.

Picnik - This website allows you to edit your pictures right on the site.

Highlights Hidden Pictures - Did you like hidden pictures when you were a kid? Today’s students still love it!

Discovery Education’s Puzzle maker - This site makes all kinds of puzzles.

Teacher Tube - These are the classroom safe videos online. They should not get blocked.

Teacher Web - A place you can go that will help you build a website if you don’t know much about the process.

Sites for Teachers - This is a website full of links for teachers.

YouTube Catcher - Did you see a cool YouTube but your school blocks the site? Use this Free Software to capture the video, and then take it to school on your USB drive.

FLV Player - This video player may need to be installed so you can view that YouTube.

FeedWind - This is a free widget that allows you to load RSS Feeds onto your website.

RSS Feeds Directory - A huge collection of rss feeds on about every subject.

Advertising Age - Stay up to date on the world of advertising and promotion.

Students &
Fun Stuff
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PO Box 777

Faith, NC 28041