Doug Creamer

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Encouraging Thoughts

Encouraging Faith

Encouraging YOU!

             I enjoy having the opportunity to speak to groups. I bring my own brand of self-deprecating humor to my presentations. I like to make upbeat, thought-provoking presentations. I am good at using visuals to help communicate my points. I use PowerPoint at school and am good at making presentations for a variety of situations.

           My students have told me many times that I must have a story to illustrate everything, so I must be a good story teller. Stories often highlight specific points that help to drive home the message. If I am going to speak about anything, you can be sure I will have to tell some stories.

           I have spoken in a variety of different situations. I have delivered the Sunday sermons for a number of churches through the years. I have been invited to lead a weekend conference. I especially enjoy smaller groups where the presentation can be more personal, but large groups can be fun in different ways.

           I don’t limit my speaking to churches. I have spoken at a number of educational conferences in break out sessions. I enjoy talking to my fellow colleagues and encouraging them as we all fight the battles of educating the youth of today.

           I have also done presentations for educational groups, civic groups, social organizations, men’s groups, women’s groups, and youth rallies. I try to bring a unique, challenging message to each group sprinkled with hope and encouragement.

           Email me and let’s see if I can discover a way to inspire, motivate, and encourage your group.


Here are just a few examples of the kinds of groups I have spoken to:


· Churches

· Home groups

· Youth groups

· Youth conferences

· Men’s groups

· Women’s groups

· Office personnel

· Conferences

· Break out sessions

· Holiday gatherings

· Christmas parties

· Story telling





Story telling

Biblically based


Communication skills

Human relations





Or contact me by mail:

PO Box 777

Faith, NC 28041